lesson 2:
growth mindset

What is Mindset?

Mindset is an established set of attitudes held by someone.

Before we start, check your mindset!

It will take only 2 minutes.

After you take the assessment, define specific examples where you exhibit mindset characteristics listed in the score of the Mindset Check Up.

Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset

There are two mindsets that have a MAJOR impact on our ability to learn, grow, and achieve our goals. Fixed Mindset and Growth Mindset.

Fixed Mindset

Fixed mindset is the BELIEF that our skills are set, that we have what we have, and that we cannot change them. That we don’t really have the capacity to change and learn. SKILLS ARE BORN.

Growth Mindset

Growth mindset is the BELIEF that we are in control of our skills. That skills are things that can be developed and improved. That we have the capacity to learn and grow. SKILLS ARE BUILT.

Beliefs & Focus

In regards to mindset, beliefs and focus matter the most because they have a huge influence on our ability to learn. Why is the ability to learn important for burnout prevention? How would what we believe and where we focus influence our ability to learn?

4 Key Components of Mindset

Effort, Challenges, Mistakes, and Feedback.

How are these viewed by the two different mindsets?

Our beliefs and focus impact how we respond to these components, and our response to these components impact our beliefs and focus and determines our mindset. Can you see that cycle?

Nobody is just one or the other of the mindsets. It is a spectrum. Depending on the situation, you may have a fixed mindset or growth mindset. It’s not to say that fixed mindset does not work, it’s that it has its limits – fixed mindset works when the task needs to be executed, but it is not effective long-term.

A simple tip from Carol Dweck PhD., the author of Growth Mindset:

Why do we want GROWTH MINDSET?

Carol Dweck’s extensive research of the topic also shows that people with a growth mindset learn, grow, and achieve more than people that have fixed mindsets.

Growth Mindset can help us take action with a more productive perspective and approach – welcoming new challenges, learning new ways of solving old problems and being prepared to execute, always seeking to be better.

Growth comes mostly from struggle – making mistakes, failing at challenging tasks.

Taking action is key to growth. You will never grow if you don’t take action and learn through the struggle.

Action = effort. Learning = effort. How does it relate to the attribution theory that we introduced in INTRODUCTION to Burnout Prevention?

Attribution Theory explaining our perception

How can you sustain Growth Mindset?

1) Cultivate a sense of purpose – define your WHY!

2) Value & appreciate the process over the end result

3) Take risks in front of others (leave your comfort zone)

4) Take credit for your mistakes and learn from the mistakes of others

5) (Pro) Actively seek feedback – this where we gain new knowledge