be ready
be resilient

Combat tested online mental training
for you living in a chaotic life jungle


expected launch of our flagship course

What does a resilient individual look like?

A resilient individual acts by deeply rooted personal values regardless of conditions. By gaining awareness, self-control, and flexibility of oneself, a resilient individual masters self-regulation and utilizes it to maintain an appropriate state of readiness to perform and effect the situation accordingly. The process of change towards readiness and resilience starts with awareness in order to eliminate disruptors in achieving one’s goals. With awareness, the individual becomes flexible to utilize self-regulatory methods in highly stressful and seemingly hopeless situations to productively approach stressors the individual faces. This is where the challenge becomes real.

How resilient are you?

Why to train your mind?

overcome challenges

Bouncing back from setbacks and continuing to operate effectively in the toughest moments can be difficult. Develop a plan that allows you to remain on track when tested by hostile circumstances and significant uncertainty.

improve performance

Optimal mental, physical, and emotional states are critical for high quality performance. Self-regulation is the bridge to effectively obtaining these states. Develop the skills necessary to maintain and increase your performance quality.


Promise yourself to be successful and make that promise come true. Identify what you stand for, act in favor of that no matter the hardships you face, and reach the potential you know you have.


Experiencing adversity sends your mental and physiological states into disbalance. This can lead to health issues. Learn how to properly recover to your optimal state to prevent a deteriorating impact on your health.

Our online courses

Maintain Your Inner Flame

Core burnout prevention concepts for engaging fully in what matters to you



What is included:


Access your purchased training here:

A little bit more of why

Retrieved from American Psychological Association.

The largest psychological association in the world sends us a clear message of the society being unable to deal with the current challenges effectively. Our program addresses that by developing psychological flexibility allowing for improved performance and resilience. Do you relate to any of these stats? You are clearly not the only one. The good news is that roughly 30% of us are overcoming current world challenges successfully. How? By a developed skillset of being resilient.
0 %
said their mental health is worse than before pandemic
0 %
felt very restless
0 %
sat around and did nothing at least once in the past two weeks
0 %
felt lonely
0 %
found it hard to think properly or concentrate
0 %
felt miserable or unhappy

Check your resilience

our training system

Realign with fundamental beliefs that motivate attitudes, behaviors, and compel action-oriented living

Deepen self-awareness of un/productive thoughts and behaviors that stand in the way of reaching potential

Challenge your resilience through learning concepts that compel behavioral changes

Apply resilience enhancing methods to increase your effectiveness in achieving goals

Adopted from the US Army
inspired by Samurai Philosophy

Adopted from the US Army
inspired by Samurai Philosophy

This engaging program will help to make a change in the community through intentional individual work. You will learn how to develop and sustain psychological resilience and promote mental readiness for optimal performance in harsh conditions with combat tested tools validated by research. Applying a hybrid approach to this training, we will guide you through the process of increasing resilience with personal consultations to maximize the implementation of these concepts into your life.

This then becomes a new way of living that allows you to increase resilience as you are equipped to execute action-oriented living connected to a greater purpose. Research shows that a deeply rooted purpose increases resilience and likelihood of achieving success by overcoming obstacles. Our Be Ready, Be Resilient training provides essential resilience enhancing methods to train one’s mind and perform effectively under stress no matter the situation.

Detailed resilience assessment developed by world renowned researchers with results breaking down your personal resilience profile.

Digital training including research confirmed steps to building your personal resilience.

One-on-one online consultations with us that will guide you throughout the program.

Training log that will guide you to create an action plan and track your progress and your lose areas.

Access to a private Facebook group to boost your motivation along with others like you. We will regularly add tips and answer questions there as well.

Adopted from the US Army
inspired by Samurai Philosophy

Adopted from the US Army
inspired by Samurai Philosophy

This engaging program will help to make a change in the community through intentional individual work. You will learn how to develop and sustain psychological resilience and promote mental readiness for optimal performance in harsh conditions with combat tested tools validated by research. Applying a hybrid approach to this training, we will guide you through the process of increasing resilience with personal consultations to maximize the implementation of these concepts into your life.

This then becomes a new way of living that allows you to increase resilience as you are equipped to execute action-oriented living connected to a greater purpose. Research shows that a deeply rooted purpose increases resilience and likelihood of achieving success by overcoming obstacles. Our Be Ready, Be Resilient training provides essential resilience enhancing methods to train one’s mind and perform effectively under stress no matter the situation.

Self-assessments developed by researchers in the field for you to gain a better picture of where you are in a particular area of focus.

Digital training including research confirmed steps to building your personal resilience.

One-on-one online consultations with us that will guide you throughout the program.

Training log that will guide you to create an action plan and track your progress and your lose areas.

How resilient are you?