Maintain your
inner flame

comprehensive burnout prevention guide for engaging fully in what matters to you

Use the holidays to recharge


Purchase the course by the end of this year and get 30% off

what does a burned out individual look like?

The typical burned out person has a hard time waking up from day to day decreasing positive mindset for facing daily challenges, lives in a constant state of hopelessness/helplessness, finds little to no meaning in their line of work or in life, feels incompetent to affect the outcomes of stressful situations as well as care for family members and support friends and colleagues when it matters.

Furthermore, this individual loses the ability to meet personal standards; leading the person to feel highly disappointed in oneself, increasing self-doubt, and losing personal vision of their ideal self.

Instead of escaping from stress, create an action-oriented personalized strategy that allows you to engage more fully in life and achieve your goals.

Are you escaping or engaging?


Lifetime access to the guide.

Licenses available for organizational access.

Contact us for more information.

20% off
for our warriors

In support of our front-line heroes, we are providing this burnout prevention guide for 20% off to firefighters, law enforcement, paramedics, dispatchers, and health care professionals as a way to express our continued support and extreme gratitude for all they do daily!

Use coupon “resilientwarrior”.

resilience & burnout prevention course money back guarantee

We are confident in all our products. For that reason, we provide you a 100% money-back 30-days guarantee for your purchase in case you were not satisfied with what you paid for. For more info click here.

Sign up for our free consultation to see whether this guide is a good fit for you.

This guide is for THOSE WHO...

feel emotionally and physically exhausted

think THEY can do better but don't know how

feel inefficient and overextended

whose health, relationships, and quality work are a priority

resilience & burnout prevention course money back guarantee

symptoms of burnout

factors contributing to burnout

What can happen if you keep escaping
instead of engaging?

Dependency On
Professional Help

Dependency on costly, long-term professional help from psychologists and medical doctors to improve mental and physical wellbeing and mastery of individual sources of stress such as finances, family, and work/life balance.

Lack of Control

Negative outlook decreasing perceptions of control in your professional environment (i.e. your professional growth decisions, ability to influence undesirable outcomes, increasing job demands).

Loss of Job

Potential loss of job due to poor, inefficient, unproductive work performance and unproductive communication with colleagues.


Broken relationships and isolation from loved ones and coworkers that can lead to loss of personal purpose and set the stage for depression.

Health Issues

Increase in health issues (such as digestive issues, chronic pain, headaches) due to poorly managed stress which can limit fulfilling participation in significant life events.

Poor Well-being
Low Confidence

Poor mental and emotional well-being resulting in low confidence in the face of adversity and a barrier to being authentic in front of family, friends, coworkers and yourself.

Guide objectives: burnout prevention

The goal of this guide is compel you towards action-oriented living and fully engaging in life through equipping you with tools and techniques, in a comprehensive action plan specific to you, that allows for adequately preventing burnout during timeframes of high stress, achieving your goals, and fully engaging in what matters to you in life.

At the completion of this guide you will be able to:

What's the hope?

If you realize you are escaping more than engaging, there’s hope. Working through this guide and creating an action plan that you can implement will:

Increase your confidence to face daily challenges and master stressors both personally and professionally.

Increase your optimism which will allow you to regain control in your professional environment as well as thrive in difficult situations and progress in your career.

Help you cultivate more productive and meaningful personal and professional relationships with friends, family, and coworkers.

Help you manage your energy so you have more physical and emotional energy to appropriately engage and connect with family, coworkers, patients, and clients.

Allow you to become a positive impact on your environment instead of a negative effect because of emotional instability.

Improve your recovery allowing for more productive and efficient job performance resulting in effectively attaining professional goals – such as financial stability, position, and autonomy.

Who has benefited from the training

And anyone that is experiencing distress or facing seemingly monumental challenges in life and finds it difficult to operate well in such circumstances. Such stress and challenges can occur both in professional and personal life.


Who this guide is not for

Those already experiencing burnout because if you have already reached burnout meaning complete emotional, mental, and physical disengagement, more comprehensive psychological treatment is needed in order to dig deeper into the source and properly recover from burnout.

Those looking for a “magic pill” for life problems. This course is not for providing specific solutions to life’s challenges, you are the solution. This course is more so to equip you with concepts and techniques to improve your stress management, recovery, and coping through building awareness and comprehensive action plan development allowing you to appropriately face the challenges and achieve fulfillment and meaningful engagement in what matters.

Engaging solution-focused content

21 topics in 5 Chapters

Context Behind Burnout, Developing Personal Philosophy, Stress-management, Optimized Recovery, and Adaptive Coping. Within each of these lessons, our clients find research-supported practical techniques that help them operate better and healthier.

32 pages PDF individualized action plan

This Step-by-step guide helps clients identify goals and create an action plan specific to their needs to apply the techniques and strategies they learn in the course.




Context Behind Burnout

The journey towards preventing burnout starts with gaining an understanding of burnout and all that it entails as well as how we become susceptible to it. The context behind burnout goes in depth on the signs and symptoms of burnout so that you gain a better idea of what to look for, the personal and professional impacts and consequences of burnout, statistics behind the impact of burnout, the stages of burnout development, and steps to take when you recognize that burnout is creeping into your life. In this chapter, you will build your awareness of where you are on the spectrum so that as you work through the guide and develop your action plan, you more specifically target changes specific to your situation and your needs. Through gaining a better understanding of the context behind burnout, your action plan becomes a tool that appropriately armors and equips you to keep burnout at bay.


Developing Personal Philosophy

Identifying what is important to you helps to act as a barrier to the long-term negative impacts of stress in your life. Your values ultimately lead you to your purpose and are the fuel source for your inner flame that move you forward. They shape your reason (why) and define your vision of your future as well as the direction of your actions. Without values, there is no fulfilment, and without fulfilment, we become more susceptible to burnout. In this chapter, you will learn why knowing what matters to you is one of the main building blocks of burnout prevention, how your values and purpose help you overcome challenges, what to do when your expectations and outcomes you care about are not met by reality, and ultimately develop your personal philosophy from which you act upon in the midst of chaos.
burnout prevention course - stress management


During & Post Performance Stress-management

During performance stress management really targets managing your energy and emotions throughout the day as you seek to perform at your best in whatever it is that you are doing both personally and professionally. Additionally, post performance stress management focuses on beginning the recovery process so that you are able to engage in recovery more fully and maximize its effectiveness. In this chapter, you will learn critical skills that help to manage energy in the moment of execution and properly and develop an action plan on when, where, and how you will apply these techniques to effectively manage stress post execution.


Optimizing Recovery

Proper recovery not only promotes resilience, but also helps to prevent burnout. Optimal recovery is used to process and disengage from high-stress events, to recharge, and prepare for re-engagement in work, sport, or any other high optempo part of our lives. Appropriately combining each of them will help you optimize your overall recovery. Additionally, stressful experiences can impact our bodies, minds, and lives in multiple ways such as the piling up of chronic stress, which is typical in high-stress occupations, yet increasingly becoming the norm within the general population. In this chapter, you will learn about effective recovery optimizing techniques and develop an action plan that outlines when, where, and how to apply those techniques to optimize your recovery efforts.
burnout prevention course - optimized recovery
burnout prevention course - coping


Adjusting to Adaptive Coping Strategies

Coping effectively is a key element in preventing the onset of burnout and living a balanced, successful life. Why? Because it allows you to develop confidence in your abilities as you begin to master stressors and the impact they have on your well-being and perspective on life. Coping strategies or skills refer to a variety of cognitive and behavioral strategies individuals use to manage their stress, to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties, especially successfully or in a calm or adequate manner. In this chapter, you will learn about different coping strategies that have proven to be effective and ineffective based on research and develop a comprehensive action plan that provides a proactive approach to coping better and managing your reactions to stress in your life.

guide contents

  • What Is Burnout?
  • Why We Talk Burnout?
  • The Importance Of Proactivity
  • Steps to Take When Recognizing Your Own Signs/symptoms
  • Connection of Values to Burnout Prevention
  • What Matters to You?
  • Expectations vs. Reality
  • Connection of Stress-management to Burnout Prevention
  • During Performance Stress-management
  • Post-performance Stress-management
  • Your Stress-management Action Plan
  • Connection of Recovery to Burnout Prevention
  • Sleep Optimization
  • Mindfulness Training
  • Your Recovery Action Plan
  • Connection of Coping to Burnout Prevention
  • Types of Coping
  • Maladaptive vs. Adaptive Coping
  • Your Coping Action Plan

This guide will work even if...

This is your first online course ever

All steps are clearly explained in an easily understandable flow that allows you to seemingly progress through the course.

You are not a tech-savvy person

The course environment is extremely user friendly and will guide you towards progress. You will be able to open the course and the workbook on any device you have and we provide support if there are any hang-ups.

You are not a fan of online courses

Not everyone is and that goes for us at times as well. That’s why we tried to make the learning process as dynamic and interactive as possible with the focus on action oriented goals. Commitment and diligence will be needed to achieve results. Do you have it?

You are a busy bee

We chose effective and easy to practice techniques that have an immediate impact on your daily life. The concepts require a maximum around 10 minutes of daily practice. That’s a cup of your morning coffee.

training backed by research

personal philosophy

Congruence between life and work-related values was found to be related to wellbeing and perceived accomplishment at work. Those whose personal values were consistent with the commonly-shared values of a caring profession experienced lower burnout and higher personal wellbeing. Successfully pursuing one׳s work values predicted lower burnout and greater wellbeing.


Poorly managed stress that piles up is the main cause of an individual or groups of individuals reaching burnout. However, proper management of stress is a skill you can develop. Research-based techniques provided in this course have been shown to significantly reduce stress and prevent burnout.

optimized recovery

Optimal mental, physical, and emotional, and spiritual recovery were found to be vital for effective stress-management when facing challenges during the day. Recovery is extremely important to recharging and preparing for the next task or life event. Learning how to optimize your recovery will help keep burnout out at bay and ultimately increase your resilience.

adaptive coping

When under pressure and stress, our natural tendency is to avoid stress because we think it will allow us to be our most effective in our lives. However, this is exactly what ultimately leads to chronic stress as it does not address the stressors. You will learn how to effectively approach stressors so you master the level of impact they have on you.

Frequently asked questions

Can I open the course on my phone?

Absolutely. All the content is fully responsive to any device you have.

Where can I view the workbook?

The workbook is available in two PDF formats – one printable, and one electronically fillable. You will be able to open the PDF in any PDF reader on your device, including your Kindle or other ebook reader.

Can I download the content to my devices?

We keep the rights to the content of the course; however, you will be able to download the audio versions of the recordings of the exercises for your personal practice.

How do I know I will solve my life challenges?

The course will not solve any problems for you. Instead, it will equip you with techniques improving your mental, emotional, and physical states so you better manage your stress and effectively face challenges.

Is there a chance this course will not help me?

Yes, there is always a chance; however, we carefully picked only those techniques and strategies that have a solid background in research on burnout prevention and mitigating the symptoms of burnout. The content is proven to be effective. We will emphasize though that you will have to put diligent work into learning and applying these techniques into your life to allow the change in your life to happen. But don’t worry, we show you the way.

Is there any support during the course?

Yes. You will have the option of scheduling a consultation with us as a part of this course where you can address anything related to the course and its application in your life. Along with that, if you find any technical issues with the course, you can contact us. We provide full support.

"I have learned to better manage my burnout and how to utilize strategies for resilience and recovery. I feel these have allowed me to manage stress better and be more self aware."

smfr-resilience training
Dispatch Center Employee

Oganizational training on Burnout Prevention

"The consultants made the environment comfortable and allowed for the participants to be vulnerable in exploring the different aspects of burnout and the workplace. Without the ability to be vulnerable I don't think I would have learned as much about myself or would I have pushed myself to dig deeper into the concepts."

smfr-resilience training
Dispatch Center Employee​

Oganizational training on Burnout Prevention​

What you will find in the guide

Brief assessments

Extremely short assessments (developed from research) that bring awareness to the effectiveness of your current methods and areas of improvement.

Step-by-step guided exercises

We guide you through exercises so you can fully experience how each concept works and feels as you seek to apply to your action plan.

Action planning

A comprehensive plan developed by you through thought provoking questions compelling you to dig deep within and explore what works for you.

Individual consultation

One-on-one 30-min discussions to provide clarity of concepts and dig a bit deeper into your personal action plan after completing training.

Do you have what it takes to prevent burnout?


Lifetime access to the guide.

Licenses available for organizational access.

Contact us for more information.

20% off
for our warriors

In support of our front-line heroes, we are providing this burnout prevention guide for 20% off to firefighters, law enforcement, paramedics, dispatchers, and health care professionals as a way to express our continued support and extreme gratitude for all they do daily!

Use coupon “resilientwarrior“.

resilience & burnout prevention course money back guarantee

We are confident in all our products. For that reason, we provide you a 100% money-back 30-days guarantee for your purchase in case you were not satisfied with what you paid for. For more info click here.

Sign up for our free consultation to see whether this guide is a good fit for you.


"I have learned to better manage my burnout and how to utilize strategies for resilience and recovery. I feel these have allowed me to manage stress better and be more self aware."

smfr-resilience training
Dispatch Center Employee

Oganizational training on Burnout Prevention

"The consultants made the environment comfortable and allowed for the participants to be vulnerable in exploring the different aspects of burnout and the workplace. Without the ability to be vulnerable I don't think I would have learned as much about myself or would I have pushed myself to dig deeper into the concepts."

smfr-resilience training
Dispatch Center Employee​

Oganizational training on Burnout Prevention​

"As a veteran of the comm center, I have never had the chance to meet real time with like minded instructors. I never thought I would enjoy the fortification, we never really have the time to take to build or rebuild ourselves. It is nice to matter and be taken care of. Thank you!"

smfr-resilience training
Dispatch Center Employee​

Oganizational training on Burnout Prevention​

"The structure was clear and useful. As a seasoned dispatcher, Brian and Barbora brought recognition of some of the tools I have used into a tangible format."

metcom logo
Dispatch Center Employee​

Oganizational training on Resilience

"Never felt like I was being judged. I was able to make connections as to why I might have certain defense mechanisms and habits that may not have been the most effective nor productive in my life."

metcom logo
Dispatch Center Employee​

Oganizational training on Resilience

[The most significant change was] the ability to manage stress and be more resilient; mindfulness of burnout symptoms and being able to establish a better work life balance."

metcom logo
Dispatch Center Employee​

Oganizational training on Burnout Prevention​

"Your course is beneficial and reinforced alot of the team aspects in use here at SMFR. Your concept and knowledge base was useful as a communication professional. ...I would recommend your course TO EVERY comm center. Thanks."

smfr-resilience training
Dispatch Center Employee​

Oganizational training on Burnout Prevention​

"I am now able to reflect inward better to see where I am at and where I need to be. Can identify when burnout is starting and be proactive in my daily life to stay on top of it."

smfr-resilience training
Dispatch Center Employee​

Oganizational training on Burnout Prevention​