Increase collective responsibility
Table of Content
Consequences of burnout
Attribution bias
Research-based conceptualization
CBP is a unique program that addresses three critical concepts along with a theoretical background that, based on the current research, have an inevitable influence on burnout from the collective perspective. It all starts with our perception of others. This significantly impacts how and when we connect and engage with each other to effectively manage the responses to stress in the workplace and prevent burnout. The three concepts – growth mindset focused feedback, communication, and work culture are offered as mitigation factors to what is known as attribution bias and improve the overall perspectives we have of those we interact with on a consistent basis both personally and professionally. This research based approach helps to develop a greater sense of awareness for creating a collective environment that is less susceptible to the onset of burnout in a high stress setting.
What will you gain?
You will gain a big picture understanding of how all three training concepts and collective perceptions interact together and how they play a role in creating an environment focused more on engaging and thus keeping burnout at bay.
With the big picture in mind, you will gain a deeper awareness and understanding of how and when to connect and engage with others and why this is important. You will also learn how to adjust feedback in order to foster a continuous growth mindset; how to effectively communicate to contribute to creating a sense of belonging and increase perceptions of social support, solidarity, and autonomy; and how to create a work culture that promotes safety, vulnerability, and common purpose through an intentional focus on components such as supporting recovery, embracing fun, encouraging leadership, admitting/accepting/supporting mistakes as well as communicating effectively and applying growth mindset focused feedback.